Next event that Lions are involved in is The Rothwell Beer Festival 10-12 April 2025

Mission Statement

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs

Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organisation with 1.4 million members in approximately 48,000 clubs in 205 countries. Lions are men and women who volunteer their time for humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, our motto is "We Serve".

Rothwell District Lions Club (CIO) is a registered charity No.1176472

Rothwell District Lions Club (CIO) was founded in 1968 by Wakefield Lions Club (our "Mother Club")

We are now part of the new District 105N, which covers Yorkshire, the North East and Scotland. We are part of Zone 10 that also includes Elmet, Garforth, Leeds, Leeds Skyrack, Morley and Otley Lions Clubs

We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month we currently meet at The Halfway House, Robin Hood. If there is a fifth Tuesday in the month then we try to hold and additional social event. 

We currently have 21 members. 

In common with other Lions Clubs we have an elected President; Vice President; Second Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer and Membership Chair.

We have several committees with one member acting as chair for each of them. The committees are - 

Activities - The fundraising side of the club. This committee organises the events and staffing levels required

Welfare - Responsible for advising how we spend the money we raise, recommendations are subject to ratification by the trustees of the Club. 

Membership - Responsible for looking after members and formulating strategies for recruiting new members

Social - Arrange and publicise social events

The Club's charity affairs are managed by an elected Board of Trustees

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